Child Study Team
The Child Study Team (CST) in each school may be comprised of a school psychologist, school social worker, and/or a learning disabilities teacher consultant. Each school within the district is serviced by a full team.
Referrals made by teachers, parents, or related school personnel who believe that a child may require an evaluation. Once a referral is received, the Child Study Team will evaluate the student to determine if special services are warranted. Once an evaluation has been conducted, members of the Child Study Team meet with parents and teachers to determine whether or not the child is eligible for special services.
If a student is in need of special services, team members work with parents, teachers, administrators and other professionals to develop an appropriate Individual Education Plan (I.E.P.) for the student.
Please contact the Child Study Team in your child's school, if you have specific issues or concerns that you would like to address.
Forrest ext 3001 | Dr. Lily Shinkar | Ms. Kerry Callahan | Ms. Melissa O'Carroll |
Warren Point ext 5111 | Ms. Katie Wiseman | Mrs. Jaime Cerelli | Ms. Melissa O'Carroll |
Westmoreland ext 5720 | Ms. Katie Wiseman | Mrs. Jaime Cerelli | Mrs. Nicole Spinelli |
Lyncrest ext 3640 | Dr. Lily Shinkar | Ms. Kerry Callahan | Mrs. Sheila Barry |
Radburn ext 8000 | Mrs. Susan Brosnick | Ms. Christine Murphy | Mrs. Nicole Spinelli |
Milnes ext 4001 | Mrs. Susan Brosnick | Mrs. Christine Murphy | Mrs. Alison Juliano |
Edison ext 7036/7035 | Mrs. Sara Burns | Ms. Kerry Callahan | Mrs. Alison Juliano |
Thomas Jefferson ext 6238 | Ms.Heather Harris | Mrs. Danielle Hichak | Mrs. Tara Walsh |
Memorial ext 4501 | Ms. Julia Lee | Ms. Arlene Mitchell | Mrs. Meryl Rothschild |
High School ext 2019 | Mrs. Gillian Giancaspro | Mr. Michael Russomanno | Mrs. Alyse Meltzer |