College and Career Planning - Family Connection
Beginning in 10th grade, the Fair Lawn High School Counseling Department teaches students to use Family Connection from Naviance, a Web-based tool that students and parents can use to help in making decisions about future careers and college programs.
Registered and trained students and their parents may visit our school’s Family Connection site at home, using any computer Web browser to connect to:
Students and parents can continue to use these important resources throughout high school by signing in using the email address (user name) and password the student chose during the registration process.
We encourage students to get started in the career planning and college advising process by completing the Exploring Interests Survey and the Do What You Are Survey. The results will link you to career information, potential college majors, and colleges. Results may be discussed with the student’s counselor.
We hope that you will find this resource helpful. If you have further questions, please contact us at the Fair Lawn High School Counseling Office.
Parents of Juniors
Parents of Juniors will receive their own log-on username and password linked to their child's Naviance account at our annual Junior Parents Night in January. If you were unable to attend our program, please contact your child's guidance counselor for your registration code. Instructions for how to register and a quick overview of Naviance features can be found in the presentation below.