Model United Nations

Fair Lawn High School
Advisor: Ms. Lindstrom (
Club Officers: Leo Avidon, Noah Gelbwasser, Tess Kapelevich, Sam Ryklin, Jana Abdelrahman
FLHS Model United Nations (MUN) is an award-winning organization that simulates the work of the United Nations, discusses global affairs, solves problems, works cooperatively, and competes in conferences.
During meetings, students learn about the basics of how to act as a delegate to the UN, practice in mock simulations, and generally have a lot of fun trying to solve real-world and fictional global issues. Students also spend time outside of the club setting researching various topics and countries’ histories they are assigned to represent.
Attending MUN conferences is an important part of our program. In recent years, we have represented FLHS in many local high school competitions like AMUN (@ BCA), CJMUNC, EDGEMUN, and BRMUNC. Students are even provided the opportunity (based on interest year-to-year) to test their mettle at nationwide competitions like WAMUNC (the Washington D.C. Model UN Conference) and NHSMUN (at the UN Headquarters itself!)
Interested in joining? Request to join our club on Genesis! Model UN meets every Thursday after school in D105.
Q: What is Model United Nations?
A: Model United Nations (MUN) is an authentic simulation of the U.N. General Assembly and other multilateral bodies, in the attempt to come up with solutions to major global issues at the student level.
Q: Who participates in Model United Nations?
A: The popularity of Model U.N. grows with every passing year, with close to half a million middle school, high school and college students worldwide who participate. Many of today’s leaders in law, government, business and the arts participated in Model U.N. during their academic careers, including such notable alumni as: Ban Ki-Moon, former Secretary General of the United Nations, Chelsea Clinton, former first daughter of the U.S., Stephen Breyer, former U.S. Supreme Court Justice, and even Rainn Wilson, who played Dwight Schrute on NBC’s The Office.
Q. Why should I participate in Model United Nations?
A: You should participate in Model U.N. because it works to promote interest in international relations and related subjects, increases your ability to engage in real-world problem solving using history and current events as a guide, teaches aspects of conflict resolution, research skills, communication skills, and allows you to meet new people from across the country and make new friends along the way.
And one more thing… it looks incredibly good on your college resume!