Students and their families will make their course requests using the Genesis Parent Portal. Following this, school counselors will meet individually with each student to review their chosen courses, assess progress toward graduation requirements, explore elective options, and discuss how the selected courses align with the student's interests and long-term goals. These personalized course planning conferences will take place between February 10 and March 14, 2025.
Students need not request an appointment with their counselor, as every student will have an individual meeting. The timing of these meetings does not impact course placement, and no advantage is given for meeting earlier in terms of securing first-choice classes.

Comprehensive list of every course available to 9th Grade students at Fair Lawn High School
Presentation given to all current 8th Grade students on February 4, 2025
Comprehensive list of every course available to 10th Grade students at Fair Lawn High School
Presentation given to all current 9th Grade students on February 3, 2025
BCC Early College Presentation
This program allows students to attend BCC and FLHS simultaneously during their Junior and Senior years, enabling them to earn an associate's degree by the time they graduate from high school.
Applications open to current 10th grade students only.
Comprehensive list of every course available to 11th Grade students at Fair Lawn High School
Presentation given to all current 10th Grade students on February 3, 2025
Comprehensive list of every course available to 12th Grade students at Fair Lawn High School
Presentation given to all current 11th Grade students on February 3, 2025

Students electing to take an 8th course in lieu of a lunch period must submit this contract. Please note that the course you choose may not be available during periods 5 or 6, even though it will replace your lunch period.
Students electing to take any Advanced Placement level courses must submit this contract indicating that they are aware of Fair Lawn's policies and agree to adhere to them.
Current 10th grade students may apply for the opportunity to earn an Associate Degree from BCC while attending high school. Students will enroll in 5 courses per semester (fall & spring) during their Junior and Senior years of high school and return to FLHS for periods 5-8 to complete their high school graduation requirements. See application for eligibility criteria and program description.
Application and Google Form must be completed by the student using their Fair Lawn SDS account.
Seniors on track to graduate may enroll in up to two (2) courses per semester at Bergen Community College and are permitted to leave Fair Lawn High School after their 4th-period class. Credits obtained from Bergen Experience program do not fulfill the requirements to graduate from High School.
AP English 10 Seminar
AP English Language & Composition
AP English Literature & Composition
Capstone Program
AP Seminar
AP Research
History & Social Sciences
AP US History 1
AP US History 2
AP World History: Modern
AP Comparative Government & Politics
AP European History
AP Economics (Macro/Micro)
AP Psychology
AP Art History
Math & Computer Science
AP Calculus AB
AP Calculus BC
AP Statistics
AP Computer Science A
AP Computer Science Principles
AP Biology
AP Chemistry
AP Physics 1
AP Physics C
AP Environmental Science
AP 2D Art and Design
AP 3D Art and Design
AP Drawing
AP Music Theory
World Languages
AP Chinese Language & Culture
AP French Language & Culture
AP Spanish Language & Culture